2020 Mine Map

Mines Procured R61 Billion

Hot off the Press: The latest 2020 MCCI Mine Map is immediately available.

MCCI updates the mine map, contact details with GPS coordinates, annually to facilitate smooth business interaction between the mines in the area and the general business sectors.  A digital version of the map is also available, and it offers many interactive capabilities, such as contact details, river, and road systems.

The mining industry has been a critical driving force behind the Middelburg economy and remains at the heart of economic growth and the creation of unskilled job opportunities in our area.  With the sharp rise in the world’s demand for minerals, driven mainly by India and China, the rate of expansion in mining activities over the past 10 to 15 years has been phenomenal.  According to the Mineral Council of South Africa’s 2018 report:  Coal sales in 2017  totalled R130 Billion, and only the coal industry recorded growth in employment to 82 824 people. Not only is the earning power of the employees significant, but the coal industry spent R61 Billion procuring goods and services, most of it locally.  This contributed to creating and sustaining jobs in other sectors.

The abundant coal reserves in the Highveld Region of Mpumalanga attracted many investors to the area.  Together with South Africa’s major coal-fired power stations – three of which are the biggest in the southern hemisphere in the region.  Compiling lists of up to date contacts and other reliable information can become time-consuming for businesses eager to access the opportunities.

MCCI annually verifies the information in preparation for the Mine Maps, Members interested in the information should contact Tinus van Eck at 0132432253 or marketing@middelburginfo.com.