The National Planning Commission (NPC) prepared a paper that examined progress in the education sector against the National Development Plan (NDP), and also assesses the NDP itself.
The paper is the outcome of discussions with selected National Planning Commissioners, and other relevant experts and stakeholders. It also presents some new data analysis, focussing on technical subjects in schools, as well as South Africa’s international standing to secondary school completion and post-school qualifications. The NPC has prepared a position paper on Post Education and Training Trends. The analysis is framed by the emergence, post-2009, of a Post-School Education and Training System. It was enabled by the creation of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and the function shift for both Adult Learning and Technical and Vocational Education and Training from the provinces to the DHET following the Further Education and Training Amendment Act, 2013 (Act No.1 of 2013).
Members with any input into the (two) papers are requested to contact Colette Lubbe at and to track their comments onto the documents and submit to Nozizwe Ndhlovu ( ) by no later than close of business day Wednesday, 1 July 2020.