Why you should start playing golf!

With Covid-19 affecting the whole world, we are glad to invite you to come and play golf with us.

Golf has various benefits that you should consider for yourself.

* Social Distancing – No Problem
* Physical Exercise – Improves Respiratory Function
* Good for your Mind – Reduces Stress and Anxiety
* For Everyone – Golf can be played from the age of 3 to 103
* Easy to Learn – Impossible to Master
* Fun for kids – Low-risk injury sport
* Provides Opportunity

If you are interested, please contact the office 0132432253


Input requested on National Waste Management Strategy

The Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries requested input on the National Waste Management Strategy (NWMS 2020). 

To implement the NWMS 2020, there need to be a costing of the Implementation Plan Actions.  Business is requested to indicate actions relevant to business, costs or adjustments of costs, noting the financial situation the country is facing.  An indication of the period for the amount you will require, the period anticipated impact and source documents that can be used for reference purposes.

Inputs on the NWMS Costing Framework and other requested information will be appreciated on or before 30 June 2020.  However, SACCI requested an extension for submission till mid-July.  Members interested in the NWMS 2020 Costing Framework should contact Colette Lubbe at secretary@middelburginfo.com.


Call for Input into National Planning Commission Papers on Skills and Education

The National Planning Commission (NPC) prepared a paper that examined progress in the education sector against the National Development Plan (NDP), and also assesses the NDP itself.

The paper is the outcome of discussions with selected National Planning Commissioners, and other relevant experts and stakeholders. It also presents some new data analysis, focussing on technical subjects in schools, as well as South Africa’s international standing to secondary school completion and post-school qualifications. The NPC has prepared a position paper on Post Education and Training Trends. The analysis is framed by the emergence, post-2009, of a Post-School Education and Training System.  It was enabled by the creation of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and the function shift for both Adult Learning and Technical and Vocational Education and Training from the provinces to the DHET following the Further Education and Training Amendment Act, 2013 (Act No.1 of 2013).

Members with any input into the (two) papers are requested to contact Colette Lubbe at secretary@middelburginfo.com and to track their comments onto the documents and submit to Nozizwe Ndhlovu (nozizwen@sacci.org.za ) by no later than close of business day Wednesday, 1 July 2020.

Business Comments on Steve Tshwete Municipal Budget 2020/21

Several of the Middelburg Chamber of Commerce & Industry’s (MCCI) Executive members studied the municipal budget. They compared the budget line item by line item against the previous year’s budget, and we submitted our comments to the Municipal Manager. Briefly, our comments were: STLM was budgeting for an increase in profit (surplus) of 8.7%. Increase in service charges and rates of between 6% and 11.1%, which was significantly higher than the inflation rate of 5-6%.  Taking into account the ESKOM and NERSA electricity price hikes, a 28% markup on bulk purchases seems excessive and will put further strain on the manufacturing industry.

Employee costs have risen by 6.8% and R40M, and councillor costs have remained constant but are still regarded as very high at a tremendous R24M of the operational expenditure. It should also be noted that there were “Other” or unallocated expenses planned of R26M. CAPEX contributes a further R465M in expenses over and above operating expense and a 6% expanse on the current R7.6bn infrastructure. Although the CAPEX was allocated to various departments, the projects were not identified against which the CAPEX would be allocated. Many businesses could not operate during the Lockdown and sent letters requesting payment of Property Tax deferment for a period.  Tenants did not pay landlords, which in turn had to find funds to pay Property Taxes.  Several jobs in the Tourism Industry have already been lost.  We have requested during several meetings and discussions with STLM officials that they need to be aware that the business environment has changed drastically.

The residents of STLM are used to our municipality earning rewards.  A well run and strong municipality is the bedrock of a strong local economy.  Members interested in a copy of the MCCI letter to STLM and their reply are welcome to contact Anna-Marth Ott for a copy, at midcham@iafrica.com.