Save the date! Join us for MCCI’s 122nd AGM on March 13, 2025, at 17:00, at the Rustique Boutique Hotel in Middelburg.
Member involvement and attendance are vital for selecting capable, business-savvy Executive Members to represent Middelburg’s business community. Members in good standing for over a year are eligible for the 2025/26 MCCI Executive Committee; nomination forms are emailed and available in the office.
Please confirm your attendance at the AGM by 12 March 2025 for a successful AGM. For those unable to make the AGM, please submit a completed proxy form to the office no later than March 12th, 2024. Charlene Kriek is planning to visit members, and she will have Proxy Forms available.
The notice, nominations, proxy forms, and minutes have been emailed to our members. Contact Leanie at 013 243 2253 or secretary@middelburgchamber.com for further details.