Blood, Sweat and Spectacles
It was a hotly contested Amazing Race Saturday. 28th of October 2023 was a memorable day; the country was on tender hooks, because of the Rugby World Cup final that evening. Nevertheless, ten teams started their day competing in the Amazing Race 2023 Middelburg. They gave it their all, some their blood, some their tears and the deciding factor was spectacles.
At the start of the race, everyone was dressed to the nines, or rather in their rugby shirts, t-shirts or as branded teams. The energy was palpable and one or two team members looked like they were waiting in the starting blocks for the whistle.
The MCCI marshals held the envelopes ready and then Zelda blew the whistle for the race to start. Fortunately, no animals or small children were harmed in the race for the first clue. The teams scattered like rabbits to their vehicles, to be the first at clue number 1.
What fun it is to marshal this event. Some people could park like champions; others could not even read GPS coordinates to save their lives, and anyone who saw the teams at BUCO, no, that was the race, not crazies in the store. Brimis, your clue was perplexing and many stood in front of your gate looking around like zombies ready to attack. Water and fire were the challenges at Vivo Bingo and the region’s tourism stops.
Two teams were neck and neck to the end, and If Erica van Zyl and her team of JJ Engineering had not lost her glasses in the challenge at Alveston Manor, Nico Denner and his Gemecs team would not have won for the Amazing Race for the third time.
Everyone who took part, from the little ones to the more experience team members, everybody had fun. See you in September 2024 for our next Amazing Race.