The decision by the Steve Tshwete Local Council approving the property valuation and property tax for the next five years is already having an impact on our town’s economy.
Government officials and politicians have a different view of Middelburg, than the business community, and the citizens that lives in our town. The officials have a set of rules to apply, a specific target to reach, and a budget to meet. The citizens of the town want a well-run municipality that does not bankrupt them. And that was the trust the community had in the STLM when they looked at the increase in their property values. Some community members objected, but in general we accepted the valuations.
MCCI has warned our members and the general business community that a storm was brewing. But we have been used to a receptive, accommodating municipality. The town has had a negotiated solution from the 1980s. That is why our town works well. And we trusted they will also look after our interests.
The original budget that was approved for 2024/25 property tax was R485 662, this included the increase in property values. Then the budget was adjusted again to R518 900.
STLM are aware of all the outside challenges that can impact our town’s survival. Together we must find a way for all the citizens to survive the JET fiasco, Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and the closure of mines.
MCCI wants the STLM and the business community to work together to attract investors and create jobs. We want STLM to award property owners for maintaining their properties to a world class standard. Incentivise investment and not frighten investors away by high rentals and high property taxes. Did you add you property to the MCCI’s list of properties to discuss with STLM? Members can contact Leanie at 013 243 2253 or at secretary@middelburgchamber.com.