Thieves and criminals cripple our businesses
You can call theft corruption, but it is still theft. When will the thieves be removed from our society?
I was recently at an event where thieves were helping themselves. It was unbearable to watch them greedily helping themselves. I was paying people for a service, and it was as if I had given them permission to take what they wanted. When you work in an environment where theft is tolerated, you cannot work at your best. Seeing people just enriching themselves as if it was their right made me first exhausted and then angry.
As a manager, you have to be very vigilant because when the culture of dishonesty becomes entrenched, your business and your emotional well-being suffer. Perhaps this happens in the various government institutions? The honest people just gave up.
It is disrespectful to humanity to suggest that poverty is a licence to steal. No, you steal from your own initiative and avarice. Without accountability, these activities will go unchecked. You can either impose strict regulations that make managing your business a challenge, or suffer the consequences. What will be the threshold that drags your business and the country over the edge?
MCCI urges all its members to weed out and eliminate the criminals in your environment.