What changes to STLM infrastructure/services are required for your business in the next five years?
The Middelburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry has requested the Steve Tshwete Local Municipality (STLM) to meet with businesses regarding input in the new Integrated Development Plan (IDP) for 2022 2027, which is being developed. This is in line with the Municipal Systems Act, Chapter 5, which requires municipalities to develop a new 5-year plan directly linked to the term of office of municipal councillors.
The Municipal Systems Act (2000) requires municipalities to prepare a 5-year Integrated Development Plan (IDP) that integrates planning and implementation and provides a framework for all development activities in the municipal area.
Contributions to the IDP have been sought at recent district committee meetings. Most attendees are local residents and are focused on their immediate needs, such as methods of speed calming on a busy residential street. Any business person who has attended scheduled Ward Committee meetings will have noted that the focus is not on a business-friendly agenda. What are general business needs in the CBD compared to the needs of the various other municipality areas where our businesses operate?
The STLM Local Economic Development Forum will hold the IDP meeting with business stakeholders on 5 April 2022 at 09:00 at the STLM Council Chamber.
We strongly encourage business owners to attend the above meeting to table any infrastructure or service delivery issues affecting your business. Is your business regularly affected by flooding due to inadequate stormwater drainage? Please attend and raise the issue. Or, if your business’ water supply is an issue, this is the best platform to get STLM to take note of business concerns. You know when there are municipal issues affecting your business. Still, if the issues are not included in the STLM’s communication structure, they seem to be off the table.
In light of recent events, the business community needs to pressure STLM officials and councillors to deliver on their promises.